Hello! Beauty Blender has been one of the most popular makeup gadgets on the market. It is a soft, squishy sponge that resembles an egg shape. It comes in different colours and sizes. In my beauty bag, there are several types of Beauty Blender: small eggs, extremely colourful, cut on one side or flattened in the middle. How do I use all these gadgets? You will find the answer in this text. Let’s[…]
Category: Makeup
Hello everyone, Today’s post will take us back in time. You’ll see which cosmetics I used to apply as a teenager, how my make-up looked like, and whether I enjoyed applying it at all. Here is my first make-up bag. Feel invited to read my diary-like entry. MAKE-UP FOUNDATION AND CONCEALER These are the basic cosmetics that each woman should have. Naturally, of the great importance is the selection of[…]
I guess we all are well-acquainted with various face masks, we more or less know how they work and what kind of outcome we should expect to get thanks to them. I guess, nowadays, there is this tendency towards treating face masks as a form of the cream extra. I even noticed that many girls have replaced their day creams with face masks, which in my opinion isn’t the brightest[…]
Hello! Can you already feel the summer? My mood reveals in a blatantly obvious way that I definitely feel this holiday atmosphere. All my hair also happily crows about being exposed to the summer sun, although it asserts its right for protection. The effective one, yet not overburdening. I take care of my hair by treating it with oils. You know… natural and cheap is the perfect combination for me.[…]
Hello Beautiful Beings :)) Today, I’d like to take you back to the nineties. For some of you it would be like the reminiscence of the childhood but for the others this article will be a form of a history lesson. Of course, all I’m going to do is describe the trends in make-up and fashion characteristic for this decade. My youth was when the guys from Guns N’ Roses[…]